Saturday, May 23, 2009

End of Year Party

We completed our fourth year at Alexander Doniphan School. I just love going to school and reading with the kids. I hope they love me as much as I love them. They seem to really like it. Some of the kids even say they are better readers because I am such a good listener. They say I help them learn how to be more comfortable speaking out loud and they even raise their hand in class now and are not so afraid to speak out to answer a question.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reading Progress

Reading Program Receives Blue Ribbon Award
The Greater Kansas City Association of School Librarians honored the “BowWOWing for Books” therapy dog reading program with their Blue Ribbon Award May 6. The R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) program is coordinated by library media specialist Joan Arth. The facilitators are Heddie Leger and Dana Marsh. Their canine partners are Hero, a Rottweiler and Megan, a Schnauzer. The students read 20 minutes once a week to their animal friend. The purpose is to allow students the experience of reading without the scrutiny of a teacher or parent. The animal-assisted therapy focuses on fluency, comprehension, confidence and a passion for reading.