Friday, December 31, 2010

Tess Koppelman

During my visit at Ronald McDonald House, Tess Koppelman did an interview with my friend Chelsea.  It makes me feel very good to help children.,0,4524434.story

You can see the news broadcast here.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ronald McDonald House

We share holiday with residents at the Ronald McDonald House.  It is one of my favorite places to go.  If you are looking for an organization to support please consider Ronald McDonald House Charities. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christ-mas

Just finished reading My Life in Dog Years.  Got it from my friends at Sni-A-Bar Elementary.  What a great book.  Thank you friends.   Will post some pictures later of the Kids Caring Club at Sni-A-Bar.  What a great group.  Thanks Ms. Smith for sponsoring such a great group. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My life in dog years

I am reading My Life In Dog Years by Gary Paulsen.  It is a true story about a man and his dogs.  It will make you laugh and cry all at the same time.  A very good book for those who love dogs - Like ME!  What are you reading right now?

Reading is Fun

I have a list of books I want to read over the Holiday Winter Break.  I am starting with a book called Second Chance about two puppies who needed a home.  Check back in to read about what happens as two homeless puppies find homes.  I would love for you to write me about the books you are reading. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hero's Hope Pet-Assist

It is official.  My friends started this group to help people keep their dog at home if they have health or financial difficulties.  All people have to do is apply for either food, financial help, transport or in home pet care and they will get help.  So many people are forced to give their pets away when hard times hit.  We hope we can keep some pets from the shelters by doing this.  Thanks to all the firemen, children at school, Debbie Pack, Gina, Valerie and other friends who helped make this happen.  We hope to help many dogs stay with their families.  I was homeless once when my owner was sick from cancer and I hope I can help other dogs like me.  Thanks friends !!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Check out my friends in Iowa

Here is their blog.  Look at all the exciting things they are doing.

Where's Hero???

Okay, I told you we were going to play a game.  I could not control myself and had to sit in the middle of the kids....I missed visiting and being with kids so much when I was sick.  The doctors say I have been in remission since July and that is a very good thing.  I hope I stay in remission a long time.  I just love being with kids (and my family too).  Can you find me in this photo?  I love just being surrounded and covered by kids like a blanket.  Not many dogs like this much contact, I am told, I wonder to myself.....what's up with that attitude and what is wrong with them?  The more kids the merrier.  They are so much fun and so loving.

A fun time was had by all

Halo loves everyone just like me. She had a great time and can't wait till next year.

Halo helped too

I was so proud of Halo.  She came with me to do a demo on search dogs.  It is fun being a mentor.  She learned at an early age how to be a therapy dog and a goodwill ambassador for the breed.  When I cannot visit and I don't feel well, Halo does a great job taking my place.  Halo is helping demonstrat the proper way to approach a dog in this photo.  The girls came in groups of about 40-50.  We were there all evening.  It was so much fun.   Heeeeerrrrrreee's  HALO !!!!

Summertime and the livin' is easy

Who says cancer is the end....for me it was the beginning of a new way of living. Since being in semi-retirement we have only been doing fun hospitals, nursing homes, or hospice. This summer was spent with kids, kids, kids.....oh how I love kids. The girl scouts invited me to their regional jamboree and it was a blast. I was supposed to sit in front of the group during the demo, but I could not stand it. I had to be with the kids the more the merrier. In one of these photos....we can play....can you find Hero, but here I am being a good boy and doing what I am supposed to do. There were over 1,000 kids and adults....I was literally in heaven (on earth that is :):)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Reading

I do have more exciting stories about reading, but first I am trying to help a friend find a home.  He loves to play with a ball, find it and return it to you.  He can find it anywhere and never gets tired, unlike me.  I get tired easily.  My friend has really good obedience skills, but would rather run and play.  I tried to make a video of him but don't know how good it is.  Please don't get bored.  He is a busy boy and I tried to capture him having fun.  He could do all this off leash, but a person who is interested in him doing search work wanted to see some things on lead.  So here goes......SSSSStewieeeeeee !!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Boy do I love reading

We sure have fun at Ronald McDonald House.  This week we will be going to a family fun event and presenting information about therapy dogs.  I love being a therapy dog and reading with children.  Check out HeroesandHalos in Kansas and The Retreat at the Elms.  Will share more later.

September Already

How did we get to the middle of September already.  Where does the time go?  I was kind of sick to my stomach this week, but good ole Dr. Joe gave me some tummy medicine and it is all better now.  I am back to eating like a horse.   I love oatmeal!!!!!  with chicken and carrots, and pumpkin, and fish, and liver, and cookies, and ice cream, hey wait a minute.  I just love everything.  Boy, it is good to have my appetite back :):)    My friends from Ronald McDonald House sent this picture from our last visit.  I miss the kids and cannot wait to go back.  My little friends at first were a bit afraid of me because I am so big, but they loved reading with me and were soon brushing me and petting me.  I LOVE CHILDREN !!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I love kitty cats

I know, I know, some people think dogs and cats cannot get along.  YOU cannot believe everything you hear.  I live with two cats and we often have a visitor or two.  I love kitties and puppies.  Today, we helped a bunch of kitty rescues get some much needed cat litter.  It makes me feel so good to help others even if they are not dogs like me.  My friends out there....remember to spay and neuter your pets.  There are way too many homeless pets and still way too many that are euthanized.  Check out and see what others are doing to help save lives.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Days...School Days...Good Ole Golden Rule Days....

I am so excited about starting the new school year.  The 1st graders that read with me last year will read with me again this year as 2nd graders.  My friend, Cheri, will be reading with the children at Alexander Doniphan also.  I am going to miss Megan.  We worked together for 5 years.  She is a sweetheart.  You can see her in the little video attachment on the blog.  She is the very pretty silver haired Schnauzer. 

I will be able to meet with the children as long as the dreaded cancer does not return.  I hope it stays away this year.  I sure do miss the children.   That's the good news for the day.  We'll start after labor day. 

I had fun making new friends at the summer workshop helping others learn about how to be therapy dog handlers and what their dogs need to know to be a therapy dog.  It was fun and I was so happy to be out again and around people.  Not that I don't love my family, but I really miss the interactions with other people too. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Month Later

The doctors are very happy with Hero's progress.  He remains in remission and in fact has visited his friends at Ronald McDonald House, the summer camp, and Kansas City Public Library on a limited basis.  Hero dressed in his best Dog Scout scarf was a goodwill ambassador at Girl Scout Summer Camp teaching about pet safety, responsibility, bite prevention and last but not least persevering in the face of adversity.  Hero is so happy to be feeling better and able to see his friends.  He is hoping to visit at school this fall and be able to participate in the reading program again. 

Hero now brings a message that Cancer is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new way of living. 

Comfort Food and Medical Miracles

I am not too good at this but decided to try to share my story via video. Well, part of it anyway. Here goes.....